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中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (02) : 74 -78. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-1221.2022.02.002


张月梅1, 李学英1, 张晓燕1, 乔佳丽1, 杨雪莲1, 尹晴雪1, 陈娟1,()   
  1. 1. 065201 廊坊,河北燕达陆道培医院细胞分离室
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-09 出版日期:2022-04-01
  • 通信作者: 陈娟

Relationship between peripheral blood erythrocyte parameters of related donors and hematopoietic stem cell collection

Yuemei Zhang1, Xueying Li1, Xiaoyan Zhang1, Jiali Qiao1, Xuelian Yang1, Qingxue Yin1, Juan Chen1,()   

  1. 1. Blood Cell Room, Hebei Yanda LuDaopei Hospital, Langfang 065201, China
  • Received:2021-07-09 Published:2022-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Juan Chen

张月梅, 李学英, 张晓燕, 乔佳丽, 杨雪莲, 尹晴雪, 陈娟. 亲缘供者外周血红细胞参数对造血干细胞采集影响的经验分析[J/OL]. 中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版), 2022, 12(02): 74-78.

Yuemei Zhang, Xueying Li, Xiaoyan Zhang, Jiali Qiao, Xuelian Yang, Qingxue Yin, Juan Chen. Relationship between peripheral blood erythrocyte parameters of related donors and hematopoietic stem cell collection[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cell and Stem Cell(Electronic Edition), 2022, 12(02): 74-78.


探讨亲缘供者外周血红细胞参数对COBE Spectra血细胞分离机的自动外周血干细胞采集程序(AutoPBSC程序)与单个核细胞采集程序(MNC程序)的影响及经验分析。


选取河北燕达陆道培医院2019年6月至2021年2月小红细胞亲缘供者31例45次采集为小红细胞组,选取同期非小红细胞亲缘供者51例60次采集为非小红细胞组,分别应用AutoPBSC程序和MNC程序,比较两组采集情况及采集产品相关指标。采用独立样本t检验和Mann-Whitney U检验分析2组计量资料的差异。


与小红细胞AutoPBSC程序组比较,小红细胞MNC程序组血小板(PLT)降低率[(25.88±15.83)﹪比(36.64±10.22)﹪]、采集效率[32.65﹪(23.60﹪,73.82﹪)比63.74﹪ (59.83﹪,68.55﹪)]、采集物体积[(158.83±34.39)比(222.91±63.9)mL]、MNC总数[(218.04±117.57)×108/L比(350.24±127.64)×108/L]、CD34+细胞总数[113.83×106/L (79.25×106/L,154.10×106/L)比233.26×106/L (177.18×106/L,392.51×106/L)]、MNC计数[(4.04±2.61)×108/kg比(5.54±2.22)×108/ kg]、CD34+计数[1.84×106/kg (1.16×106/kg,4.41×106/kg)比3.64×106/kg (2.49×106/kg,6.37×106/kg)]均升高,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);与非小红细胞AutoPBSC程序组比较,非小红细胞组MNC程序组采集物体积[(162.83±51.74)比(242.56±43.25)mL]升高,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。




To investigate the influence of peripheral blood erythrocyte parameters of genetic relationship donors on the automatic peripheral blood stem cell collection program (AutoPBSC program) and mononuclear cells collection program (MNC program) of COBE spectrum blood cell separator.


From June 2019 to February 2021, 31 small red blood cell genetic relationship donors were collected 45 times as the small red blood cell group, and 51 non-small red blood cell genetic relationship donors were collected 60 times as the non-small red blood cell group. AutoPBSC program and MNC program were used to compare the collection and product-related indexes of the two groups. Two independent sample t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test were used to analyze the differences between the two groups of measurement data.


The results of platelet (PLT) reduction rate[ (25.88±15.83) ﹪vs (36.64±10.22) ﹪], collection efficiency [32.65﹪ (23.60﹪, 73.82﹪) vs 63.74﹪ (59.83﹪, 68.55﹪) ], collection volume [ (158.83±34.39) vs (222.91±63.9) mL], total MNC [ (218.04±117.57) ×108/L vs (350.24±127.64) ×108/L], total CD34+ [113.83×106/L (79.25×106/L, 154.10×106/L) vs 233.26×106/L (177.18×106/L, 392.51×106/L) ], MNC count per kg [ (4.04±2.61) ×108/kg vs (5.54±2.22) ×108/kg] and CD34+ count per kg [1.84×106/kg (1.16×106/kg, 4.41×106/kg) vs 3.64×106/kg (2.49×106/kg, 6.37×106/kg) ] collected by MNC program were significantly higher than those collected by AutoPBSC program in small red blood cell group (P < 0.05) ; The collection volume[ (162.83±51.74) vs (242.56±43.25) mL] of collected material collected by MNC program was higher than that collected by AutoPBSC program in non-small red blood cell group (P < 0.05) .


When the donor's red blood cell volume is small, the application of MNC program to collect peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells has more advantages than the application of AutoPBSC program.

表1 小红细胞供者与非小红细胞供者不同程序采集情况比较
参数 小红细胞组 t/Z P
AutoPBSC程序组(n = 23) MNC程序组(n = 22)
年龄(岁) 30.26±14.75 32.41±13.68 -0.506 0.615
总血容量(mL) 3844.87±924.85 4112.18±732.33 -1.072 0.290
循环血容量(mL) 12 000 (8 000,15 000) 11 500 (9 250,15 000) -0.245 0.807
采集前WBC计数(×109/L) 47.23±13.69 48.62±13.53 -0.341 0.735
采集速度(mL/min) 48.96±7.88 49.33±6.53 -0.172 0.865
采集时间(min) 280 (214,315) 263.00 (196.50,286.25) -1.56 0.120
抗凝剂用量(mL) 865 (603,1 054) 856.50 (508.50,1 087.25) -0.01 0.990
Hb降低率(﹪) 9.91±4.19 9.09±2.89 0.753 0.455
PLT降低率(﹪) 25.88±15.83 36.64±10.22 -2.693 0.010
采集效率(﹪) 32.65 (23.60,73.82) 63.74 (59.83,68.55) -1.975 0.048
参数 非小红细胞组 t/Z P
AutoPBSC程序组(n = 30) MNC程序组(n = 30)
年龄(岁) 35.70±11.71 36.33±12.23 -0.205 0.838
总血容量(mL) 4414.86±956.24 4268.30±708.29 0.675 0.503
循环血容量(mL) 14 000 (9 500,15 000) 14 000 (11 664,15 000) -0.649 0.516
采集前WBC计数(×109/L) 53.15±13.91 52.95±15.25 0.053 0.958
采集速度(mL/min) 53.07±7.14 54.00±2.20 -0.588 0.560
采集时间(min) 303.00 (215.25,317.25) 274.50 (232.50,281.00) -1.60 0.110
抗凝剂用量(mL) 999.50 (725.50,1 094.00) 1 001.00 (821.75,1 085.00) -0.07 0.950
Hb降低率(﹪) 6.92±4.26 8.39±4.41 -1.316 0.193
PLT降低率(﹪) 44.07±14.71 40.78±10.34 1.002 0.321
采集效率(﹪) 93.64 (79.43,110.94) 102.65 (87.64,138.86) -1.685 0.092
表2 小红细胞供者与非小红细胞供者不同程序采集产品比较
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