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中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版) ›› 2018, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (02) : 115 -119. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-1221.2018.02.008

所属专题: 文献


于海燕1, 宫殿荣1,(), 袁晓玲1, 刘力峰1, 赵敏1, 王敏1, 芦倩1   
  1. 1. 252000 聊城市人民医院神经内科
  • 收稿日期:2017-11-23 出版日期:2018-04-01
  • 通信作者: 宫殿荣

Safety of transplantation of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells by the lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture for treatment of refractory neurological diseases

Haiyan Yu1, Dianrong Gong1,(), Xiaoling Yuan1, Lifeng Liu1, Min Zhao1, Min Wang1, Qian Lu1   

  1. 1. Department of Neurology, Liaocheng People's Hospital, Liaocheng 252000, China
  • Received:2017-11-23 Published:2018-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Dianrong Gong
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Gong Dianrong, Email:

于海燕, 宫殿荣, 袁晓玲, 刘力峰, 赵敏, 王敏, 芦倩. 经寰枕间隙侧方穿刺移植人脐血单个核细胞对难治性神经系统疾病的疗效分析[J/OL]. 中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版), 2018, 08(02): 115-119.

Haiyan Yu, Dianrong Gong, Xiaoling Yuan, Lifeng Liu, Min Zhao, Min Wang, Qian Lu. Safety of transplantation of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells by the lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture for treatment of refractory neurological diseases[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cell and Stem Cell(Electronic Edition), 2018, 08(02): 115-119.






所有患者治疗后均无头痛、感染、皮疹、血肿形成等不良反应和其它移植并发症出现。32例(7.1%)治疗后出现一过性血压升高,8例(1.8%)出现一过性发热,10例(2.2%)穿刺时诉穿刺处深部软组织胀痛,拔针后疼痛消失。患者白细胞计数治疗前(7.9±1.1)×109个/?L和治疗后3个月(8.0±1.3)×109个/L相比差异无统计学意义(t =?0.891,P?=?0.374),谷丙转氨酶治疗前(31.9±5.8)U/L和治疗后3个月(32.4±6.2)U/L相比差异无统计学意义(t?=?0.893,P?=?0.372),球蛋白治疗前(22.1±1.7)g/L和治疗后3个月(21.8±1.8)g/L相比差异无统计学意义(t?=?0.838,P?=?0.066),AFP治疗前(9.9±1.6)μg/L和治疗后3个月(10.1±1.7)μg/L相比差异无统计学意义(t?=?1.299,P?=?0.195),患者血液学指标(血常规+血沉、生化全项、全身肿瘤标记物、病毒筛查、出凝血机制)在治疗前后无统计学差异。183例患者治疗有效,有效率79.6%。




To investigate the safety and effectiveness of umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells transplantation therapy by the lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture.


230 patients have received umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell therapy for 450 times by the lateral atlanto occipital space puncture. The adverse reactions and complications during treatment and after treatment were observed, the hematological parameters were compared before and after treatment, and the patient's condition was observed before and after treatment. Statistical analysis was carried out by two samples compared with t test.


All the patients had no headache, infection, hematoma formation, adverse reactions and other complications after treatment. Transient blood pressure increased after treatment in 32 patients( 7.1%), and transient fever occurred in 8 (1.8%). 10 (2.2%) patients experienced deep soft tissue pain at the time of the puncture. There was no statistical difference (t = 0.891, P = 0.374) between the leukocyte count before (7.9±1.1)and 3 months after treatment (8.0±1.3). There was no statistical difference(t = 0.893, P = 0.372)between the glutamic pyruvic transaminase (μ/L) before (31.9±5.8) and 3 months after treatment (32.4±6.2). There was no statistical difference (t?= ?1.838, P?= ?0.066) between the globulin before (22.1±1.7) and 3 months after treatment (21.8±1.8). There was no statistical difference (t?= ?1.299, P?= ?0.195) between the AFP count before (9.9±1.6) and 3 months after treatment (10.1±1.7) .The hematological indexes (blood routine + ESR, biochemical markers, tumor markers, virus screening, coagulation and coagulation mechanisms) and vital signs of all patients were not statistically different before and after treatment. 183 patients were treated effectively (the effective rate was 79.6%).


Umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells transplantation therapy by lateral atlanto-occipital space puncture is safe and appears to be benefit for patients.

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表3 患者经寰枕间隙侧方穿刺hUCB-MNC移植治疗后疗效比较(n
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