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中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 215 -223. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-1221.2022.04.004


张郭1, 慈海1, 周牧冉1, 孙家明1, 郭亮1,()   
  1. 1. 430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院整形外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-19 出版日期:2022-08-01
  • 通信作者: 郭亮
  • 基金资助:

Biomimetic polycaprolactone scaffolds for breast tissue engineering in rabbits

Guo Zhang1, hai Ci1, Muran Zhou1, Jiaming Sun1, Liang Guo1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Plastic Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430022,China
  • Received:2021-05-19 Published:2022-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Liang Guo

张郭, 慈海, 周牧冉, 孙家明, 郭亮. 仿生聚己内酯支架用于乳房组织工程的可行性研究[J/OL]. 中华细胞与干细胞杂志(电子版), 2022, 12(04): 215-223.

Guo Zhang, hai Ci, Muran Zhou, Jiaming Sun, Liang Guo. Biomimetic polycaprolactone scaffolds for breast tissue engineering in rabbits[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Cell and Stem Cell(Electronic Edition), 2022, 12(04): 215-223.






制备的PCL支架孔隙率为(85.30±1.12)%,压缩模量为(8.18±1.39)MPa,植入新西兰大白兔动物模型皮下12周后,MRI影像学显示脂肪组织已由支架周围向内部侵入,HE、Masson及EVG染色同样在该支架边缘观察到部分新生脂肪组织及血管,而支架内部则以疏松排列的纤维组织为主;与原生脂肪比较,12周PCL支架内组织的基因表达分析成脂相关基因C/EBPβ表达水平(2.32±0.28比1.00±0.02)升高,而巨噬细胞标记物F4/80表达(0.80±0.12比1.00±0.03)降低(P均< 0.01);18周后,HE染色证实支架内部已充满脂肪组织。基因表达证实,与原生脂肪比较,支架内部组织C/EBP-β (3.30±0.63比1.00±0.02),PPAR-γ (1.81±0.71比0.99±0.02)及AP-2表达水平(1.38±0.16比1.01±0.01)升高(P均< 0.01);而TNF-α(0.50±0.15比1.00±0.01)及F4/80表达水平(0.52±0.09比1.00±0.03)均降低(P均< 0.001)。而植入体内PCL支架的分子量(Mn)在18周内变化不大[(65.04±2.24)kDa比(64.20±4.09) kDa]。




To explore the potential of polycaprolactone (PCL) breast-shaped scaffolds for the construction of tissue-engineered breasts and to investigate its biocompatibility and potential adipogenic ability via histological analysis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) .


The biomimetic PCL scaffold was prepared by fused deposition modeling and its mechanical properties were measured. PCL scaffolds were implanted subcutaneously using New Zealand rabbits. After 12 and 18 weeks, the distribution of newly-formed tissue inside the scaffold was observed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the distribution of fat, fibers and blood vessels inside the scaffold was assessed via histology (HE, Masson and EVG staining) . The expression of adipogenic genes (PPAR-γ, C/EBP-β, AP-2) , inflammation-related gene TNF-α and macrophage marker F4-80 in the tissues inside the PCL scaffold was further examined by qRT-PCR at 12 and 18 weeks. Changes of the mean molecular weight of PCL scaffold after implantation were also analyzed by gel permeation chromatography. Means between the 2 groups were compared using the independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA for comparisons between multiple groups, LSD-test for two-way comparisons between groups, and paired t-test for comparison of means in a paired design.


PCL scaffold had a porosity of (85.30±1.12) % and a compression modulus of (8.18±1.39) MPa. MRI imaging showed that adipose tissue had invaded into the scaffold after 12 weeks. Compared with native adipose tissue, gene expression analysis of the tissue inside PCL scaffolds at 12 weeks showed an increase in the expression of the adipogenic gene C/EBP β (2.32±0.28 vs 1.00±0.02) and a decrease in the expression of the macrophage marker F4/80 (0.80±0.12 vs 1.00±0.03) (both P < 0.01) . After 18 weeks, HE staining confirmed that the scaffold was filled with adipose tissue. Gene expression confirmed increased expression of C/EBP-β (3.30±0.63 vs 1.00±0.02) , PPAR-γ (1.81±0.71 vs 0.99±0.02) and AP-2 expression levels (1.38±0.16 vs 1.01±0.01) compared to native adipose (all P < 0.01) ; whereas expression of TNF-α (0.50±0.15 vs 1.00±0.01) and F4/80 expression levels (0.52±0.09 vs 1.00±0.03) were reduced (both P < 0.001) . The molecular weight (Mn) of implanted PCL scaffolds in vivo did not change significantly over 18 weeks [ (65.04±2.24) kDa compared to (64.20±4.09) kDa].


These results showed scaffolds printed with PCL were capable and superior for breast tissue engineering because of their optimal mechanical property as well as biocompatibility. The establishment of the rabbit model was conducive to the further clinical transformation of breast tissue engineering.

表1 3D打印的PCL线材参数
表2 引物序列信息
图1 PCL支架相关表征注:a图为正常视野下PCL支架的大体照片;b图为体视显微镜照片显示PCL支架内部支柱、孔和孔的相互连接;c图为压缩模量定量对比(n = 3),与TPU比较,aP < 0.001;与PCL比较,bP < 0.001;与PP比较,cP < 0.001
图2 植入PCL支架后手术示意图注:a图白色圆圈为PCL支架植入部位;b ~ c图为手术流程图,示PCL支架植入皮下后缝合
图3 植入支架12周后MRI影像学结果注:a ~ c图为在不同的代表性界面MRI图像均观察到高信号的脂肪组织(右上插图示剖面);d图为不同代表性截面脂肪组织面积占比的定量分析(n = 4)
图4 植入12和18周后PCL支架组织学结果注:a ~ b图为12周即刻取材PCL支架标本的俯视图,c图为侧视图,d图为纵剖图;e ~ f图为18周即刻取材PCL支架标本的俯视图,g图为侧视图,h图为纵剖图
图5 植入PCL支架12周后HE染色结果注:a ~ f图为PCL支架的HE、Masson及EVG染色图像及局部放大图像(×40),虚线示可见支架外周有少量包膜形成,红色剪头为内部边缘充满新生脂肪组织及血管,#为支架与新生脂肪组织间有少量包膜形成
图6 植入PCL支架18周后HE染色结果注:a ~ c图可见支架外周有少量包膜形成,而内部高度血管化,充满大量规则圆形脂肪空泡,#为支架与新生脂肪组织间几乎无包膜形成
图7 不同时间点PCL支架内部组织基因表达情况注:与原生脂肪比较,aP < 0.01;与12周比较,bP < 0.05,ns为差异无统计学意义,n = 6
图8 正常视野及扫描电镜下观察PCL支架(×50,×2 000)注:a ~ c图为植入前PCL支架大体形态,电镜图可见其表面较为光滑;d ~ f图为植入12周后取出的PCL支架,大体形态未发生明显变化,但电镜图可见其出现凹陷;g ~ i图为植入18周后取出的PCL支架,大体形态仍未发生明显变化,但电镜图可见其表面出现裂痕和空洞
图9 PCL材料降解性评估注:a图为PCL的红外傅立叶光谱图;b ~ c图为PCL差示扫描量热分析曲线和结晶度变化曲线,aP < 0.05;d图为PCL分子量(Mn)变化曲线(n = 3),ns为差异无统计学意义
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